Los Tres Hermanos Mexican Restaurant

Mexican food in Collinsville

We offer Takeout


Your order will be confirmed in REAL-TIME

Table Reservation
See MENU & Order

About Los Tres Hermanos Mexican Restaurant

Los Tres Hermanos arose from three brothers, born and raised in Chiapas, Mexico. They came to the United States in 2003, bringing with them the unique flavors of Chiapas, Mexico. They first work their way up from dishwasher to cooks to eventually becoming restaurant owners with their first location in Collinsville, Oklahoma. After several years of hoard work, their dream finally came true. Their hard work and dedication finally allowed them to open the doors of three locations and bring their hometown flavors to Collinsville, Hominy, and Fairfax, Ok.

Opening hours

Monday - Saturday
11:00 AM - 09:00 PM
11:00 AM - 08:00 PM

NEW! Online ordering

Online ordering NOW enabled for pick-up. Just tell us what you want and we'll prepare it as fast as we can. All orders are manually confirmed by us directly. Find out in real-time when your food is ready. All orders are manually confirmed by us in real-time. Watch on-screen when your food is ready for pickup.